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September 2009
Bolton Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting September 28, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
Temporary Library Quarters

Present: Roland Ochsenbein, Bob Zak, Chris Sterling
Also present: Kelly Collins

Agenda Items:

The minutes of the August 10th meeting were approved.

Director’s Report:
A new Shelver has been hired at the hourly rate of $13.45. Kelly is still waiting to hear from the Town Administrator about lowering the rate for future hires, hopefully before the FY11 budget cycle begins.
Kelly is also still waiting to hear from the Town Administrator about the status of the Town’s efforts to go out to bid for a library custodian.
Postings will be out in October for the three new positions in the new building.
Kelly has recommended that the program room in the new building not be booked for non-library meetings or programs for the first 30 days, so that business can settle down a bit and the staff can acclimate.
Kelly will follow up with Alice Roemer about the status of the Lions’ Club gift. She has also received messages from Clinton Savings Bank about a donation toward the Grand Opening, and from a resident with a late donation to the capital campaign. She has passed this on to the Friends’ chair and treasurer.
The library was closed on August 28th due to a power outage.

Third Installment of MBLC Grant:
A motion was made by Roland, seconded by Bob to authorize Bob to sign the request for payment of the 3rd installment of the MBLC Grant, since the project will soon be 75% complete.

State Aid Forms:
Bob signed the FY2010 State Aid to Public Libraries Application and Compliance Forms as prepared by Kelly.

Plant Donations from Carol Ehrlich:
The board decided to wait until the spring to take action on an offer by Carol Ehrlich to return some of the plants she removed from in front of the library just prior to the beginning of the project.

Town Emergency Plan Evaluation/Feedback:
The board has no action or feedback on this document.

Library Construction Committee Update:
The project is on time and within budget. A transition team has been appointed.

Grand Opening Committee:
The Grand Opening Committee held its first meeting and is off to a great start. It was proposed that the grand opening be on January 16th, with a snow date of January 23rd. A special donor night has been scheduled for January 11th. A mini poll will be done to see if there is a problem with having the grand opening on the Martin Luther King holiday weekend.

Meeting Room Policy:
We are still waiting to hear from the Town Administrator to hear the town’s preference on the liability statement to be used in the policy. Kelly will create a cleaned up copy of the policy for the next trustees’ meeting.

The next Trustees’ meeting will be Monday, October 19th at 6:00 p.m. in the Temporary Quarters.

Respectfully submitted, the Trustees,

Robert Zak                      Christine Sterling                      Roland Ochsenbein